It’s Never Been Easier to Switch and Save!

It’s never been easier to switch your Mortgage and save money. The Central Bank have told all the Banks that they have to make it simpler, quicker and easier to let you switch your mortgage. There are some great Fixed Rates to switch into also; an example is a 4 year fixed rate of 2.6%

In the last couple of years there have been more options for switching also :

1: Straight Switch – switch your mortgage and reduce your monthly repayment or how many years left on your mortgage or both – This will help you save thousands in interest

2: Switch your mortgage but also take the opportunity to do some works on your home. This will increase your total mortgage but you will make savings on the interest rate and maybe also reduce how many years you have left on your mortgage.

3: Switch and also clear some short term loans. If you are doing this I would always recommend taking years off your overall mortgage to make sure you are not paying more interest in the long term.

At present banks are looking for your business so they are offering incentives to move such as €3,000 to switch , €1,500 to switch or 2% of the loan amount back to switch .

To find out if you can switch and if so how much you can save and who has the best offer for you, either apply below or contact Shane or one of our mortgage team to discuss your options 071-9194194

If you want to see if you can save money apply now

Warning : Your Home is at risk if you do not keep up payments on a Mortgage or any other loans secured on it.

Life, Pension and Investment Awards 2016

Oates Breheny Group is proud to be nominated and shortlisted under the category of ‘Best Broker Connacht-Ulster’ for the forthcoming LPI Awards which are taking place on Thursday 31st March 2016 in the Round Room of the Mansion House.

The LPI Awards are described as an event that ‘aims to give recognition to the life, pension and investment brokers who have proved their excellence, professionalism and dedication to maintaining high standards in the Irish market’. To say we are thrilled to be nominated is a massive understatement; we always strive to achieve the best results for our clients  and to have our efforts recognised in such a prestigious fashion is extremely humbling.

Best of luck to Pauric, Shane, Sean and Ciara on the night and well done on such a fantastic achievement!

Switch your Mortgage and Save Money!

At the start of every year people always look at ways of saving money for the year ahead. With a number of banks offering new incentives to switch your mortgage to them, now could be a good time think about moving your mortgage. Substantial savings can be made by getting a better interest rate on your mortgage. A lot of people decide to switch and get a better rate and also reduce the term left on their mortgage –  I think this is a great idea– It can save you paying the bank a lot of interest!.

If you are in employment and the value of your house is more than your loan amount then you could be able to switch and save .

At present you can get either €2,000 paid to you to switch  or 2% cashback on the loan amount back into your bank account as an incentive to just  switch and save money.

If you want to see if you can save money contact me today or apply now


The first step to managing your finances….

To help you organise your Finances better you can use our budget calculator here